Model Building Make & Take
This is our 2nd Annual Make & Take! The kids loved it last year so we're doing it again. It's free! Just register your child (or children) and we'll supply the models.

During the Golden State Classics Car Show, kids ages 8 - 14 can build model cars! It’s free! The models will be displayed at the show and compete for prizes. Participants can take their models home after the show!
Please check-in by 11am so your child has time to build the model.
Parents can help their kids with the model. We will also have model builder assistants handy to guide participants through the assembly of their models. The kits provided at the event, snap together and do not require glue or paint to assemble. There will be stickers available to decorate the cars.
The Model Building Make & Take is Saturday, May 24, during the Golden State Classics Car Show! The event is open to kids ages 8 - 14 and it’s free. Just register here. We will have some model kits at the show, but the best way to guarantee that your child can participate is to register today.
Presented by
Golden State Classics Car Club, the Paso Robles Chapter of International Plastic Models Society, Hobby Headquarters and the Central California Mercury Club.
Questions? Email William Chun at paso_robles@ipmsusa.org